This Blog

I think. A lot. Especially when I am walking somewhere alone (which happens a bit here at college), I tend to be constantly mulling some idea around in my head. In the summer of 2013, I had several days in a row where I had ideas and thoughts that I really wanted to share with people, but wasn’t sure quite how to. While I enjoy using Facebook, I didn’t think that posting them there would give me the space and formality I wanted, so I decided to create a blog. Actually creating the blog took some time though, and I finally launched it on September 1st, 2013, the first day of my first real week of classes.

I split the blog into a few different sections, each corresponding to an important part of my life. You can read more about each section on my “About Myself” page, but they are as follows: Faith, Science, Music and Random Thoughts. The Random Thoughts section is where you’ll find most of the ideas I have while walking around between classes or otherwise.

One of the most difficult parts of creating the blog was finding a name that I liked. I wanted the URL and the name to be the same (I’m a little bit OCD about things like that), and most of the names I had were already “taken” (meaning the URL had been used already). The night of September 1st, I was committed to starting the blog, but still hadn’t come up with a name. I was Facebook chatting with my girlfriend N, and around 11:00 PM sent her a message saying “1 hour, I’m going to do this…” and, just for fun, checked whether “onehourtillmidnight” had been taken as a URL. It wasn’t, and I liked it, so that’s what I named it.

Finally, you may notice that I refer to people and some places with one letter rather than by their names. This is simply to protect their privacy.

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