Archive for October 4th, 2013

Band Bible Study: Music!

Late night number two… This will need to be another short post, because I actually have a lab report that is supposed to be mostly finished by class tomorrow (today), and needs a lot of work. With the paper taking so much longer than I expected or hoped, it has pushed the rest of my work back as well.

Anyway, tonight at band Bible study we used 1 Samuel 16: 14-23 as a springboard to talk about music and worship through it. It was interesting to hear other Christian musicians like myself talk about how they felt about different types of music, both Christian and secular. As you may have figured out by now, I really enjoy contemporary Christian music, especially alternative (like Jars of Clay) and praise music like Chris Tomlin’s. My personal music talents are much more classical in nature, but I like almost any music that is meant to praise God. And I also love to engage in worship through contemporary Christian music. In fact, it is one of the few times that I actually sing, and I would much rather attend something like a Chi Alpha large group meeting than most mainstream concerts.

That was a bit of a tangent, but I thought it was interesting, and important to remember, how many people choose to worship in different ways, even in the different genres of music they listen to. Just like I find great meaning in praise music, other people may find that they can worship through metal or electronic music. That was the core of our conversation, but we also discussed other important questions about music and faith like, for example, what instrument Jesus would play if he were part of a marching band. It was a fun night.

Well, sadly I should return to chemistry. I really hope I can knock this out quickly and get some more sleep. The weekend is just around the corner, but there’s an early game on Saturday, so I won’t be able to catch up on as much sleep until that night.

Jonathan Thulin – Bombs Away (feat. Rachael Lampa)

Interesting, so I thought I’d share it.